Welcome to Cornerstone Campus Ministry

bringing students together at UAlbany to make a difference in the world.

Join us for a variety of activities and great adventures; volunteer for a local community service project or be part of our annual mission trip; gather with our vibrant and relevant worshiping community; learn together in a Bible study or reflection group; meet new friends and establish relationships that are real. 

Come and join us as we journey in faith together!

Connect with Cornerstone

Follow us on Instagram: @ualbanycornerstoneFind us on Facebook: Cornerstone Campus MinistryJoin our group on MyInvolvement

On Campus Worship

Interdenominational WorshipEvery Sunday @ 5:00 p. m. & Sunday Supper @ 6:00 p.m.An interdenominational service open to everyone.We have a great mix of contemporary music with some more traditional aspects and a message that’s relevant for you!...followed by a FREE community meal.
click here for weekly themes & more


Every Tuesday6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Campus Center 375 
Join us for a free meal followed by a faith-based activity or reflection hosted by one of our congregational partners.  
Food for Your BodyFood for Your Soul
click here for a list of what's happening 

Mid-Week Meet Up

Every Wednesday12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Stop by for a short visit or come and hang out with us for the day between 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m.  It's part support group, part group therapy and lots of help!
Bring your laptop and log on for one of those classes (we'll support you and help you get it done), do your homework or just talk with friends.  And of course, bring a friend. 
Bagels & Cream Cheese (2nd, 3rd & 4th Wed)Chicken & Waffles (1st Wed)

Bible  Study

Mondays 1:30 p.m.Thursdays 4 p.m. Interfaith Center
Whether you are a bible beginner or a bible scholar, we invite you to join us as we study and learn together  

Click here for more information 
Follow Us on Social Media for Daily Up-Dates, Daily Meditations and More...Follow us on Instagram: @ualbanycornerstoneFind us on Facebook: Cornerstone Campus MinistryJoin our group on MyInvolvement
NEED HELP???Our leaders are here to help.Feel free to email, phone us with anyquestions or concerns you may have"no question is a dumb question" - we want to help!(click here for contact information for our students and leaders)