Our Congregational Partners


Emmanuel Baptist Church     

275 State Street, Albany, NY 12210 518-465-5161 Email: ebcpastor@albany.twcbc.com Website: www.emmanuelalbany.net Worship Time: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Worship Style: Locally Appropriate Diversity Avg. Worship Attendance: 75 Other Programs: Sunday School, Nursing Home Choir Ministry, Small Groups, Local/National/International Mission Opportunities; Fellowship Emmanuel is a rich “tapestry of faith”, representing a multi-racial, multi-cultural, welcoming and affirming people. One of the FOCUS congregations, we are committed to urban ministry and mission.


St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church     

Church: 303 Sand Creek Rd, Albany, NY 12205 518-465-7545 Email: parishsecretary@stjohnsalbany.orgWebsite: www.stjohnsalbany.org Worship Time: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Worship Style: Progressive Average Worship Attendance: 50 Other Programs: Sunday School for children age 3 to 14, Bible Study, Choir, Coffee Hour after Worship, Community Outreach. St. John’s is a metropolitan congregational doing mission and ministry in the city with an ecumenical focus. We are a "Reconciling in Christ" congregation, welcoming all to share in the life and ministry of St. John's regardless of age, race, gender identity, socio-economical status or martial status, physical or mental capabilities, or sexual orientation.  We are a lively, casual congregation committed to mission, hospitality, and meaningful worship. 

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church     

510 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville, NY 12309 518-458-1562 Website: www.goodshepherdchurchloudonville.org Worship: Sunday at 8 a.m. Spoken Communion Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Blended Music Average Worship Attendance: 105 Other Programs: Bible Study, Faith Matters Adult Forum, Mission Trips We are a progressive church with a strong focus on social ministry and upbeat worship. We are growing in numbers, discipleship and passion for ministry. We organize yearly trips to New Orleans or Haiti. 

Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit 

57 Hurlbut Street, Albany, NY 12209 518-463-6224 Email: holyspiritalbany@nycap.rr.com Website: www.holyspiritalbany.com Worship: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. with Holy Communion Worship Style: Traditional Average Worship Attendance: 60  Other Programs: Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.; Fellowship Hour at 11:00 a.m.; Dinner and Bible Study 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:00 p.m. God’s purpose for the Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit is to guide the community to Christ with support and Love. Guiding Principles: Jesus is Lord; Live our lives according to God’s Word; We welcome all into our congregation; All are equal in the eyes of God; We are to forgive each other as God forgives us.

First Lutheran Church 

181 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203 518-463-1326 Email: flc.office@albany.twcbc.comWebsite: www.firstlutheranalbany.org Worship Time: Sunday 10:00 a.m. Worship Style: TraditionalAve. Worship Attendance: 70Other Programs: Sunday School for ages 3 and up, Sunday adult forum discussions, Bible Study, voice and chime choir, monthly luncheons & neighborhood dinner, community outreach. First Lutheran is a faith community seeking to point beyond ourselves to God's presence in the world. 

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church                        

Sanctuary: 103 S Reynolds Street, Scotia, NY, 12302Email: orlc@nycapp.rr.comPastor Daniel's Email: orlcpastor@nycapp.rr.com       Phone: 518-393-5031Website: www.ourredeemer.ccWorship Time: 9 and 11 am during school year; 10 am in summer, Christmas and New Years Day.Worship Style: Traditional, blending things up on occasion. Worship Attendance: 70/30 bewtween the two servicesBible Study: Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. (No Bible Study on 2nd Wednesday of month)       Sunday School at 10 am Our Redeemer is a fun, friendly, and faithful congregation. We worship and praise, laugh and cry together in Jesus' name. 


St. Andrews Episcopal Church          

10 No. Main Avenue, Albany, NY 12203 ; 518-489-4747 Email: parishoffice@standrewsalbany.org Website: www.standrewsalbany.org Worship Time: Sunday at 8:00 (small chapel-no music), 10:00 a.m. (choral Eucharist)Worship Style: Traditional/Blended Average Worship Attendance: 175Other Programs: Bible Study on Thursday from 530-7pmSt Andrew's Episcopal Church is an inclusive community, Affirming God's grace, open and growing in heart, mind, and spirit. Called to love and serve all in Jesus' name.We are an open and diverse community, welcoming to all, with opportunities for all to share and serve each other and the world around us.  


First Presbyterian Church of Albany          

362 State Street, Albany, NY 12210 518-449-7332Email: info@firstpresalbany.org Website: www.firstpresalbany.orgWorship Time: Sunday at 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Worship Style: Traditional, Blended, Contemporary Ave. Worship Attendance: 8:30—35; 10:45—85 Other Programs: Men’s & Women’s Bible Study Groups; Christian Ed. at 9:30; Fellowship hour following both services. First Pres is located in a historic building in an urban setting welcoming faith seekers of all backgrounds. We are a “More Light” Presbyterian Church that welcomes the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender community to join us in worshiping the Lord. Easily accessible to students at the downtown campus or those living in the vicinity of Washington Park. First Pres looks forward to being your church home away from home.

New Covenant Presbyterian Church      

916 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203 518-482-8063 Email: katyandtheword@gmail.com Facebook at ncpc Worship Time: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Worship Style: Traditional but not stuffy Ave. Worship Attendance: approx. 40 Other Programs: Sabbath Keepers Small Group for young adults (20’s & 30’s) every other Tuesday at 7 p.m.; Mugs and Hugs Playgroup at 10:00 a.m. New Covenant is a church who loves to worship God through the word and sacrament. We enjoy traditional services that are not stuffy, and share a great love of music. Together we strive to celebrate God’s love through our weekly worship which is followed by a coffee fellowship hour. We enjoy multi-age Sunday School class, our seasonal adult Christian Ed, as well as our “young” Sabbath Keepers Small Group and our weekly preschool playgroup. We welcome all those who are interested in exploring the love of God to join.

Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church        

2291 Western Avenue, Guilderland, NY 12084 518-456-5410 Email: hupc@nycap.rr.comWebsite: www.hamiltonunionpresbyterianchurch.org Worship Time: 8:20 a.m. Hymn Singing , followed by an 8:30 a.m. casual participative worship service. 10:00 a.m. traditional worship service.Transportation available upon request. Call Rev. MJ Pattison at 518-456-1373Worship Attendance: 8:30— approx. 30; 10:00— approx. 70 Other Programs: Adult Education; Choir; Bell Choir; Fellowship Events; Mission Opportunities; Faith Formation Program for young Children; Weekday Nursery School.; Presbyterian Women; weekly Wed evening Bible Study; Lenten Series Hamilton Union is one of the oldest churches in the suburban Guilderland Community. We are on a journey and invite all people at any point in their faith journey to come along as we seek the presence of God in our busy lives. The church is full of the joyous sounds of both young & old alike. We would really love to have you visit!.  


Altamont Reformed Church             

129 Lincoln Ave, PO Box 671, Altamont, NY 12009 518-861-8711Email: altamontreformed@yahoo.com Website: www.altamontreformed.org Worship: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 during July & Aug) Worship Style: Traditional Average Worship Attendance: 50 Other Programs: Adult Sunday School at 9:30; Choir Rehearsal—Thurs p.m.; Occasional Intergenerational activities such as hayride, roller skating, movies. ARC is a community of believers called by God to be part of the living Body of Christ, to worship God, and to obey Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We endeavor to serve and care for each other and to reach out to the world, sharing God’s love and inviting all to join in joyful discipleship.


Journey United Church of Christ                  

27 Hannay Lane, Glenmont, NY 12077                           518-729-7127 Email: journeyucc@gmail.com Website: www.journeyucc.com Worship: Sunday at 10:00 am. Worship Style: Contemporary Average Worship Attendance: 50 Other Programs: Comma Club for Kids; Comma Community for Youth The perfect church for people who aren't because faith is a journey, not a guilt trip. We are a new church start with lots of new energy. An open and affirming, multi-cultural, accessible to all, Still-Speaking congregation. 


McKownville United Methodist Church      

1565 Western Ave. (just west of I87), Albany, NY 12203 518-456-1148 Email: McKownUMC@verizon.net, pastorcyang@gmail.comWebsite: www.mcknownvillechurch.comWorship Time: Sundays 10:00amWorship Style: 9:00 Informal; 10:30 Trad./Mixed Avg. Worship Attendance:100Other Programs: Disciple Bible Study, Habitat for Humanity, Variety of Musical Groups, Youth Group, Christian Ed., AA, NA We are called to grow in faithfulness to God, to serve as disciples of Christ in the world, and to bring others into discipleship. McKownville strives to welcome newcomers, to help people discern their spiritual gifts, and to equip people to use those gifts for the glory of God.

First United Methodist Church              

1 Gilligan Road, East Greenbush, NY 12061 518-477-9693 Email: mail.egumc@verizon.net Website: www.fumceg.org Worship: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Worship Style: Blended Average Worship Attendance: 130 Other Programs: Sunday School at 9:30 am, Youth Fellowship, Small Groups for Discussion, Sanctuary Choir and Children’s Choir, Bell Choir, United Methodist Women. Early worship service at 8:30 a.m. SundayFirst United Methodist Church is a diverse congregation in theology, politics, socio-economics and education, all in a suburban setting. All are welcome for worship and any and all other programs of the church. We are a Reconciling Congregation, inviting the participation of all in the LGBT community.